Care Instruction

Washing instruction

Traditional method: We strongly recommend that Khadi-Pashmina fabric and shawls be washed with Ritha (Sapindus trifoliatus) commonly known as Chinese soapberry or washnut.
Put three spoons of Ritha powder in water and boil it. Cool the mixture. Add some more water in the mixture and soak the fabric or shawl in it. Wash gently, rinse, and hang flat.

General method: Hand-washing is better than dry-cleaning. Wash gently with room temperature and pure soap. Blot dry without twisting and hang flat.

Hanging flat will get rid of most wrinkles. If required, use a moderate-warm iron with a cover sheet. Fold carefully and ensure there is no exposure to moisture. Keep dry.

Storage instruction

Traditional method: Keep your shawl wrapped in a fine muslin cloth. Keep a bunch of neem leaves (Azadirachta indica), which function as a disinfectant, around the shawl.

General method: Store the Pashmina shawl in a muslin cloth or protective case. Do not store in plastic as that could damage the shawl. Avoid using naphthalene balls or cakes while storing shawls.

Getting professional restoration done once in a few years is the best way to ensure that a great quality Khadi-Pashmina stays in your family for years.